Saturday, March 26, 2011

SAM's Picasso Women..

I am catching up a little here with my shoots for Seattle Woman Magazine from the last year.

This was a very fun shoot with Maryann Jordan and Chiyo Ishikawa from the Seattle Art Museum. Chiyo is the deputy director/curator at SAM and Maryann is Senior Deputy Director. They both made it possible that the Picasso exhibition found it's way to Seattle.

It's always some juggling involved of schedules and locations in preparing for these shoots. So many things have to come together. Cara Egan of SAM was my ally in location scouting and finding time in the busy schedules of Chiyo and Maryann

The day of the shoot was very exiting, as it was the press conference for the exhibition and everything went a little bit in a whirlwind. Chiyo and Maryann were both in very good spirits, as all their hard work now became visible in the opening of the exhibition. I had a chance to quickly walk through the packed exhibition and got exited.

The exhibition however was no option as a background for the shoot, because - among other considerations - of too many visitors and insurance concerns.

Here is the cover photo without the cropping for the layout. The location is the beautiful Family Room, that is part of the exhibition space. I really liked the windows, the architectural elements, the light that created some patterns on the floor, together with the black boots and pants, the connection to the outside, the postures of both women that give a feel of girlfriend cooperation in this big project and the elation and satisfaction of bringing a long path of work to it's completion.

SISTERS & GIRLFRIENDS - Elena and Chiara

Today is International Women's Day. I am thinking of how important women's friendships are with their girlfriends and their sisters....