Spring is nearly in the air, but you never know, it might snow again. And for good wishes it's never too late, I think. So here is a view of our garden and with it I am sending all my best wishes to everybody for this year, that still feels new. This year with all it's challenges, but also with it's promises of something new and wonderful.
I am grateful for everybody that crossed my way in the last year, for people I met new, and for the ones I met again. And for the times when clients became friends.
My friend Debra Gunn gave me a beautiful book as a gift. "The Wishing Year - A House, a man, a soul" by Noelle Oxenhaendler. It was my "New Year Holiday Book", the luxury I allow myself once a year, to read a book in one piece.
The author embarks on a one year "experiment in desire", looking at all the wishing theories and ideas that are out there with a critical eye, trying some out for herself, in-spite her own doubts.
The conclusion she comes to ".. she is amazed that there is indeed, both power and danger in the act of wishing."
This year, which for me began on the 20th of January, started out with a lot of wishing. I hope for us all that we keep our wishes and hopes alive and don't choose cynicism, when they don't immediately come true.